Pioneering MD Unveils Medical Breakthrough of the Century
The 4-Step Blood
Sugar Solution!
Discover how you can …
  • ‘Reboot’ your metabolism for healthy glucose levels
  • Give up drugs, surgery, special diets, and grueling exercise
  • Experience rapid body-fat loss, a stronger heart, and brain
“These findings have the potential to be very important because we've shown …
you can reverse the symptoms of diabetes."
— Dr. Valter Longo, UC-Davis researcher

"Very exciting news… treatments that can repair or regenerate
insulin-producing cells in the pancreas."
— Dr. Emily Burns, research communications manager at Diabetes UK

“The findings … could become a new treatment for the disease.”
— BBC News

Dear friend,

It could be the medical discovery of the century…

…A breakthrough for diabetes that enlists your body’s own natural stem cells to reverse high blood sugar.
Dear friend,

It could be the medical discovery of the century…

…A breakthrough for diabetes that enlists your body’s own natural stem cells to reverse high blood sugar.
  • Without drugs or surgery
  • Without starvation diets
  • Without punishing, beast-mode exercise routines
And here’s the really big news: It works in as little as four days!

For millions, it could mean the end of painful needle sticks and insulin injections…serious complications from high blood sugar…crazy diets no one can live with…and break-neck exercise programs.

University of California-Davis stem cell researchers have made what many are saying is the biggest breakthrough in diabetes and stem cell therapies they’ve ever seen.

And the take-home message is so simple, it’s hard to believe.

All that’s required is doing something we all do every day — just for longer periods of time.
Hi, I’m Dr. Al Sears, founder and medical director of the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine.

And I’ve been treating patients with diabetes and researching natural therapies for 30 years.

But I’ve never been as excited as I am today about the ability to combat this terrible disease, which has reached epidemic proportions in this country.
For too long, dangerous drugs, drastic diet and fitness plans, and risky weight-loss surgery have been the only options for the 29 million American people with diabetes.

But this new UC stem cell breakthrough could change all of that…

The UC researchers discovered a biological “on-off switch” that can reset metabolism to essentially fix blood sugar problems.  What’s more, the switch can be triggered by doing something millions of Americans do every day — for extended periods.

The technique mimics the benefits of intermittent fasting, so it’s easy to do.

The findings, published in the journal Cell, shocked many diabetes doctors and researchers, who didn’t believe such a simple solution could work so effectively.

But they didn’t surprise me at all.

That’s because they confirm what I’ve known for decades — that enlisting your body’s own natural pancreatic stem cells can banishing blood sugar problems.

And the fix works for people with both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Several recent studies have confirmed these ideas.

And now, even the National Institutes of Health is getting in on the act. A recent NIH article — “Are Stem Cells the Next  Frontier for Diabetes Treatment?” by Dr. Charles A. Goldthwaite, Jr. — concluded: “While stem cells can be currently considered a frontier for diabetes therapy, they may one day become its basis.”

What is this new breakthrough? I’ll tell you in a moment. But first let me share with you why even stem cell therapies are the new cure for diabetes and other chronic health conditions.
Harness the Healing Power of Your Own Stem Cells
Stem cell therapy is THE biggest medical breakthrough of our lifetime.

It’s natural.

It’s effective.

It can heal and cure.

As a matter of fact, I’ve been using natural therapies like this to help my patients for nearly 30 years and have been a leader in the use of stem cells.

I’ve seen firsthand how stem cells have transformed the lives of my patients.

But I’ve also seen how the FDA and Big Pharma have tried to shut down these remarkable new, natural approaches…

Even though mountains of research prove that stem cells are the new cure for a staggering list of conditions!

There is no better example than the dramatic breakthroughs in using stem cells to treat diabetes.

You already know that diabetes is a huge problem today.

Nearly one in three Americans have high blood sugar today, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

And the numbers are growing every day.

That’s why stem cells are such a game-changer for so many people.

The latest research proves stem cells are the best way to reverse and even cure the disease:
  • Harvard and MIT researchers found human stem cells created billions of glucose-responsive pancreatic beta cells — the kind that balance blood sugar. [1]
  • Northwestern University researchers cured diabetes in 87% of people using the patients’ own stem cells. The patients continue to remain disease-free 5 years later. [2]
  • Researchers at MIT and Boston Children’s Hospital found that stem cells reversed blood sugar problems in animal studies, with just one dose! [3]
But you won’t hear about these remarkable advances from cable news, the New York Times or even your own doctor. 

Not a peep. 

That’s because Big Pharma is pushing the Big Government dictacrats at FDA to outlaw them. 

The drug industry is even trying to patent stem cell treatments — just like they tried, and failed, to do with human genes and gene therapies.

As bad as it is, the worst is yet to come.


You already know the answer.

It’s because diabetes drugs and treatments are a multi-billion-dollar industry.

And that dirty drug money is holding 30 million American diabetics hostage — and another 80 million with pre-diabetes.

You see, there’s no big profit in stem cells for Big Pharma...

No costly drug the industry can mark up to make millions.

No insurance dollars to be plundered.

No expensive surgeries or medical procedures that put billions into surgeons’ and hospital doctors’ pockets.
That’s because stem cells are completely natural.

And they’re yours — they’re a part of you.

They can’t be created in a lab — like expensive, ineffective synthetic drugs.

And, if you have high blood sugar, using your own stem cells to treat it will mean the end of costly medications.

They will also mean saying goodbye to painful needle sticks and insulin injections, crazy diets no one can live with, and break-neck exercise programs.

That’s why I’m blowing the whistle on this deepening industry-government plot.

I’m about to tell you how to take advantage of stem cell advances that are changing the lives of diabetics right now.

The truth is, I’ve never been as excited as I am today about the progress we’re making.

And I’ll tell you why and how to…
Fix Your Blood Sugar Naturally Right Now — Forever 
If you have high blood sugar, or you love someone who does, then you already know how difficult it is.

Your doctor has most likely told you to… 
  • ​Give up your favorite foods because they’re “not good for you.”
  • ​Lose weight.
  • ​Spend hours at the gym.
  • ​Take a drug, inject insulin, wear an uncomfortable pump, or measure your blood sugar with painful needle sticks every day.
You’ve probably also been told you have diabetes because it’s “genetic,” runs in your family, or you have a sweet tooth — and it’s somehow your own fault.

But nothing could be further from the truth. 

In fact, all these crazy ideas are simply wrong.

You see, there’s a better way.

I’m talking, of course, about using your own stem cells.

And the best news is that it… 
  • ​Is all natural
  • ​Costs nothing
  • ​Can be done at home, without expensive drugs, injections or therapies
Every day, new research is confirming stem cells hold the key to reversing diabetes.

The big break came this year when researchers discovered pancreatic stem cells for the first time. What’s more, they found that they can be fired up to trigger the repair and regeneration of insulin-producing cells in the body — in what amounts to a cure for diabetes!
The findings, published in the journal Cell, shocked many conventional diabetes doctors and researchers.

But they didn’t surprise me.

Not at all.
That’s because they confirm what I’ve known for decades — that enlisting your body’s own natural pancreatic stem cells is the best way to banish blood sugar problems.

It’s the most exciting medical breakthrough of our era. And not just for diabetes.

But you won’t hear about it from FDA fat cats, Big Pharma or the mainstream media.

You see, Big Pharma’s only aim is to create costly new synthetic drugs as the solution to every problem.

Decades of Big Pharma lobbying, campaign donations, and media advertising dollars have made the FDA an industry lapdog, defanged Congress, and left the media skittish about reporting the huge benefits of stem cells.
This isn’t a political issue.

It’s not a Red State or Blue State issue.

It’s not a liberal or conservative debate.

It’s just the sad reality of the Washington swamp today. 

There’s no better example of why the medical establishment and government don’t work for us. 
You see, stem cells are different from drugs and conventional medical treatments.

They are natural and inside every one of us, the power to not only treat diabetes, but cure it!

I’ve seen the proof in my own clinic and mountains of independent stem cell research has verified it — beyond a shadow of a doubt.

But that’s not what drives Big Pharma and the FDA.

For them, it’s all about money and power, not health and wellness.

Sound like a conspiracy to you? You bet it does.

But I can’t say I’m surprised.
I won’t let the Medical Establishment naysayers stop me from bringing back natural cures from around the world to my patients.
As a holistic MD, I’ve seen this over and over again — with other natural therapies that have been trashed by the industry and government naysayers.

Sometimes it feels like I’m living in a world gone crazy.

That’s why I’m getting the word out on the benefits of stem cells for diabetes — right now.

You see these therapies are already working.

And the Medical-Industrial Complex that’s working secretly to steal your stem cell therapies from you simply isn’t going to work.
I won’t let them. I’m not going to stop helping my patients do what’s right for them.

So, how are these new breakthroughs making a difference in the lives of my patients?

I’ll tell you in a moment.

And you’ll hear what they have to say themselves.

But first let me tell you what Big Pharma and Big Government don’t want you to know about stem cells and diabetes.
Stem Cell Therapies Have Big Pharma Running Scared
Stunning scientific findings on stem cells have taken the old guard of medicine by surprise.

But government bureaucrats, pushed by drug industry fat cats, are quietly trying to shut down clinics that are using stem cells to help their patients.

The FDA filed two recent federal complaints to PERMANENTLY BAN two stem cell clinics operating in Florida and California. [4]
It’s outrageous! The actions were nothing more than a scare tactic to keep people away from stem cells.


Big Pharma CEOs recognize that stem cells are a goldmine because they are so much more powerful than their dangerous drugs for diabetes, and other conditions.

That’s why they’re working in the shadows to get the FDA to essentially take away your right to harness their healing power.

It’s the biggest medical outrage and political scandal of our times…

It’s so shameful that every MD in the country should be blowing the whistle and demanding that Washington drain the FDA swamp to keep this from happening.

But here’s the good news: 

The FDA and Big Pharma can’t stop the progress being made with stem cell therapies for diabetes and other conditions.

And you don’t need to wait for the FDA to be brought to its knees to benefit from them.

You can take advantage of them right now…
Using Your Own Pancreatic Stem Cells to Heal
Why are stem cells so powerful at reversing diabetes?

Stem cells are the “parent” cells of almost every other kind of cell in your body — tissues, organs, bones, skin and everything else.

This means they have the power to grow, regrow, repair, regenerate and replace any of the more than 220 different kinds of cells in your body.
Human trials have consistently shown the effectiveness of stem cell treatments in the fight against type 1 and type 2 diabetes. [5]
  • ​   A long-term clinical trial done at Harvard Medical School tracked 65 individuals with type 1 diabetes who were treated with stem cell therapy. By the end of the study, almost a third of the participants were able to stop taking their insulin injections. [6]
  • ​   A recent Chinese study found stem cells were able to reprogram liver cells — instead of the pancreas cells — allowing the body to produce enough insulin to lower blood sugar levels. [7]
  • And in a series of new breakthrough, Harvard and MIT researchers found a single stem cell boost takes worn-down, beat-up and aging cells... and turns them into entirely “brand new” ones that generate insulin and devour blood sugar — permanently.
Stems work by reprograming your cells to become blood sugar-burning machines.
Endorsed by the Vatican
In 2006, the Pope declared that adult stem cell research should be “encouraged and supported.”

In 2011, the Vatican called it a “significant step forward in medical science.”
You see, runaway blood sugar starts with insulin-generating cells known as beta cells. These are like “smart cells” for blood sugar.

When our blood sugar rises, they release insulin in response. But when our blood sugar drops, they stop. This is how our blood sugar levels stay normal.
You Have Everything You Need to Fix Your Blood Sugar Problems
We’re born with all the beta cells we need... and then some. But as you get older, your body stops generating new beta cells. And that’s when the glucose overload kicks in.

That process was considered irreversible.

Until now.

Thanks to stem cells, that’s all about to change.

The biggest discovery in using stem cells for diabetes came in 2018. That’s when researchers discovered the first evidence of stem cells in the pancreas — and they can be harnessed to treat diabetes.

For years, conventional scientists wouldn’t even admit that pancreatic stem cells existed.

Then researchers from the Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine reported the big break:

They identified progenitor stem cells in the human pancreas, for the first time!

Not only that, but they found that those stem cells can be coaxed — with a natural compound — to develop into glucose-responsive beta islet cells. 
In other words: they proved stem cells can turn dysfunctional pancreatic stem cells — a primary culprit in diabetes — into new, fully functional cells.
This is amazing news!

You see, the primary function of a beta cell is to store and release insulin — the hormone that drives reductions in blood sugar.

In people with diabetes, those insulin-producing cells don’t function properly, which leads to high concentrations of blood sugar that can cause a range of deadly health problems.

If you or someone you love is diabetic, you know exactly what I’m talking about.

In type 1 diabetes, these cells are mistakenly destroyed by the immune system, requiring patients to manage their blood sugar levels with daily injections of insulin therapy.
In type 2 diabetes, people can produce insulin, but their beta cells become dysfunctional over time.

So these game-changing findings, published in Cell Reports,[8] have opened the door to a better, safer solution — stem cell treatments that can regenerate your own insulin-producing cells.

I’ve seen these benefits myself in using stem cells with my own patients with diabetes. Some have been able give up their meds, insulin injections, and daily blood sugar tests.

So, I was delighted by how strong the USC findings were. Finally, the benefits of stem cells for diabetes can’t be denied.

In announcing the new findings by the Diabetes Research Institute Foundation, lead researcher Dr. Juan Dominguez-Bendala, Ph.D. said his team discovered a kind of pancreatic “stem cell bank” that holds the key to new diabetes treatments.

The discovery removes “a major challenge that stands in the way of discovering a biological cure for the disease,” he said. [9]

Later in this report, I’m going to tell you how to put these groundbreaking advances to work for you in my brand new DVD, “Can Stem Cells Cure Diabetes?”
Dr. Juan Dominguez-Bendala (at the microscope) and Dr. Ricardo Pastori (photo courtesy of DRI). 
Human pancreatic section showing a large pancreatic duct harboring progenitor-like stem cells.
(Photo courtesy of DRI) [10]
But first, I’d like to tell you about a second recent major breakthrough in stem cell therapy that is helping to usher in the new cure for diabetes. 
Unleashing Your Own Natural Healing System with Newly Discovered New Stem Cell Organ
A second big break in stem cell advances came just a few months after the discovery of pancreatic stem cells.

In March 2018, a Columbia University doctor reported that he’d identified a previously unknown human stem cell organ.
It’s called the interstitium, and the discovery has advanced stem cell science more than anything in the past three decades.

The finding is so exciting because it ushers in a new type of stem cell therapy that is radically different from previous treatments.

It also makes you wonder: How could all those FDA know-it-all scientists and self-described “health experts” say they know what’s best on stem cells, when they never even suspected this new organ existed? 

You see, the interstitium is critical to your health and longevity because it unleashes your body’s existing — but dormant — supply of stem cells to treat diabetes, and other ailments.

This new organ nurtures your stem cells and has already suggested new and better therapies proven in clinical trials to banish blood sugar worries.” [11]
Interstitium is a layer of fluid-filled pockets hemmed in by collagen that can be found all over our bodies.
Experts say this is the breakthrough stem cell researchers have been looking for since the discovery of stem cells — identifying the mechanism that controls the maturation process of stem cells.
  •  Yale University[12] said this new organ is already leading to breakthroughs that are “challenging the dominance of glucose meters in diabetes management.”
  •  New York University School of Medicine researchers hailed the discovery, saying this “previously unknown feature of human anatomy [has] implications for the function of all organs, most tissues, and the mechanisms of most major diseases.” [13]
  •  Stanford University[14] researchers said it has “broad implications for tissue regeneration, aging.”
  •  Harvard University[15] researchers noted that the new organ may be the key to the body’s natural “regulation of stem cell self-renewal” and, as a result, holds “great biological and medical interest.”
  •  Columbia University[16] reported it “is crucial for cellular function” for each of the trillions of cells in your body.
  •  UC San Francisco[17] said, “a complex interplay exists between [this interstitium] and cellular function” that when disrupted “promote pathologies such as cardiovascular disease.”
How You Can Benefit From the Scientific Achievement of Our Times
The discovery of pancreatic stem cells and this new organ back what I’ve been saying for a long time — that stem cells are the medical achievement of our times.

In the future, I believe medical historians will look back on stem cells the same way we now view the development of penicillin and the polio vaccine.
But even so, stem cell therapies still haven’t reached the mainstream.

That’s not an accident.

It’s because Big Pharma and the FDA have been working together to bury the news about these huge scientific developments and keep conventional doctors from using them. 

Medical journals, stacked by industry consultants and editorial “advisors,” have also made it nearly impossible for researchers to publish positive findings on stem cells. 
I’m putting my patients first — and the FDA and Big Pharma fat cats on notice.
Sadly, as long as these industry and government elitists maintain a stranglehold on the nation’s health care system, these therapies will remain on the sidelines.

But that won’t keep me from using stem cells to heal my patients.

In fact, I believe that there’s never been a better time for people with blood sugar problems. With my own patients I have seen these natural approaches help to:
  • Restore normal glucose within days or weeks
  • Reset metabolism to ‘reboot’ the pancreas
  • Produce rapid body-fat loss, without drugs, surgery or special diets
So, even though federal regulators are goose-stepping in line with Big Pharma, to discredit stem cells, I’m not about to let them halt all the progress I’ve seen with my patients.

I’m putting my patients first — and the FDA and Big Pharma fat cats on notice.

You see, the stem cell revolution is already happening.

The naysayers can’t stop the independent scientists and doctors who are using stem cells to treat and reverse diabetes.

In fact, I’m going to tell you how to put these remarkable findings to work for you in my new DVD — “Can Stem Cells Cure Diabetes?” — that I’ll tell you about it later in this report. You’ll also learn about how to nourish your interstitium.

But first, let me explain two remarkable ways stem cell therapies have moved from the science lab to real-world patients.
Two Simple Solutions That Fix Your Blood Sugar — Permanently
You’ve probably heard that exercise and nutrition can help manage blood sugar.

But the truth is that it’s important to know WHAT kind of exercise and WHICH nutrients are the best for reversing diabetes.
For instance, a new study by the University of Southern California confirmed that what you eat — and don’t eat — can actually boost your body’s pancreatic stem cells to reverse diabetes. [18] 

And what triggers this “reboot” is so simple it’s hard to believe. 
It’s intermittent fasting — alternating between eating normally and fasting for some period of time.

It’s something I’ve recommended to some of my patients for years.

It’s also something we all do every day — for the 8 hours or so that we sleep.

And this new USC research proves that it effectively reverses diabetes.

How can this be?

Turns out it’s remarkably simple.

You see, fasting promotes the growth of new insulin-producing pancreatic cells that reduce symptoms of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, the USC researchers proved.

Their conclusions were based on experiments on human pancreatic cells and mice with a rodent form of diabetes.

“Cycling a fasting-mimicking diet and a normal diet essentially reprogrammed non-insulin-producing cells into insulin-producing cells,” said lead researcher Dr. Valter Longo, director of the USC Longevity Institute at the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology. [19]
What the experts are saying.
“Dr. Sears has distinguished himself as a leader in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine and recently in cell and telomere biology...”
– Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS — Medical Director of the Heart, Diabetes and Weight Loss Centers of NY 
“Dr. Sears blows away the conventional medical wisdom...”
– Ronald Klatz, MD, DO — Founder and President, American Academy 
of Anti-Aging Medicine
“Dr. Sears masterfully explains how we can flip the switches that allow access to the store of human vitality that resides within each one of us."
– Paul L. Hester, MD, MBA
“Dr. Al Sears really gets it. A refreshing breath of fresh air...”
– Jonny Bowden, author
In other words: The reprogrammed adult cells and organs prompted a regeneration of damaged cells to become functional, according to the study, published in the journal Cell. [20]

And it only takes a few days to work!

The USC study showed mice who fasted for four days each week were cured of both types of diabetes.

You’d think that with such strong scientific findings, the FDA would take notice.

But you’d be wrong: Not a single word from the FDA.

I could spend hours talking about the profit-driven reasons why…

But, instead, I’d like to tell you about another major finding on using stem cells to reverse and cure diabetes that’s detailed in my new DVD: “Can Stem Cells Cure Diabetes?”

Then I’d like to introduce you to one of my patients, Louise, who has undergone a remarkable transformation using stem cell therapy to reverse her diabetes.
The Revolutionary New 12-Minute Blood Sugar Solution
If you have diabetes, you’ve probably been told that you should exercise — along with changing your diet — to lose weight.

I don’t disagree, for the most part. But what matters most is the kind of exercise you do.

What many doctors and self-described health experts recommend — 150 minutes each week of standard cardio — isn’t the best way to lose body fat, reverse diabetes, or boost your overall health. 

If fact, it does just the opposite. Standard cardio does more harm than good.

That’s especially true if you have blood sugar problems.

Let me explain…

Spending 30 to 40 minutes a day engaging in slow-to medium-intensity exercise — jogging, going for a walk, hitting the treadmill — is not only exhausting, but actually increases your body’s fat storage.

If you think about it, that makes perfect sense.

If you were setting out on a long 10-mile trek, say, your body would need to conserve fat for the journey — literally saving it up for a rainy day, so to speak.

As a result, this kind of workout does nothing to shed pounds, but actually trains your body to retain fat.

And that can be lethal for people with diabetes.
But there is a better way — a type of exercise that “tricks” your body into burning fat immediately.

It’s a program I’ve developed called PACE, and is one of the foundations of my stem cell therapy protocol.

Today, dozens of my patients and staff participate in my PACE program at my clinic in Royal Palm Beach, Florida.
One reason it’s so popular: A PACE workout can be done in as little as 12 minutes.
So, you spend less time exercising with PACE over the course of an entire week than you’d spend in a single day doing regular cardio at the gym.

I’ve seen PACE transform the lives of many of my patients with diabetes — with weeks of starting the program.

It’s particularly effective at boosting stem cells, which regenerates insulin-producing cells stem cells in the pancreas. But you don’t need to come to my clinic to take advantage of PACE.

To introduce PACE to as many people as possible, I’ve produced a book, DVD and special reports that detail how — and why — it’s such a revolutionary program.

It’s also a key focus of my new DVD — “Can Stem Cells Cure Diabetes?” — that I’ll tell you about later in this report.

But first, I’d like to introduce you to one of my patients — Louise — who knows firsthand about using PACE and changes in diet to boost stem cells to treat diabetes.
“My best blood sugar readings ever — after just a few weeks!”
When Louise first came to see me, she had one of the worst cases of diabetes I’d ever seen.

At 57, she was seriously obese — carrying about twice the weight she should have been. But her weight was only part of the problem.

“I just don’t feel right,” she told me, in what was maybe the biggest understatement I’d ever heard.

She was experiencing serious fatigue, extreme loss of energy, sleepless nights, and taking blood pressure medication.

But what really concerned me was that her blood sugar levels were out of control.

Over the years, she had tried to lose weight through different diets and exercise programs.

But she always ended up gaining back the weight — plus more.

Louise was desperate to get healthy and get back to enjoying the things she loves to do — like traveling and taking her dogs on long walks. 

So, I immediately started her on my diabetes protocol, changing her diet and enrolling her in my PACE classes.

She began to notice improvements in her health almost immediately.

Her insulin production began to stabilize, and her high blood sugar levels dropped dramatically.

Her blood pressure returned to normal and she was able to stop taking her dangerous hypertension drugs.
“It was amazing,” she says today. “I had my best blood sugar readings ever — after just a few weeks!”

So far, she’s lost 102 pounds and shed 31 inches!

What’s more, her blood pressure is back to normal, and she’s off her medication, and her once sky-high blood sugar levels are where they should be.

So, you see, Louise stopped the downward spiral of diabetes in its tracks and took back control of her own life.

And she’s so excited that she doesn’t need the seat belt extender on the airplane when she travels anymore. 
Louise lost 102 pounds and shed 31 inches!
In fact, she’s feeling so energetic she’s planning a month-long trip to Australia and New Zealand this year!

“It’s been almost a year that I have been guided by Dr. Sears on the road to my best health,” she says today. “I feel better than I have in decades.”
How to Boost Your Own Stem Cells to Beat Diabetes
With so much good news on people who are using stem cells to reverse diabetes, this report merely scratches the surface on how these new therapeutic approaches are working.

They have already transformed the treatment protocols for diabetes and the lives of my patients — like Louise, Leonard, Kenneth.

But I know that not everyone can come to my South Florida clinic to take advantage of my stem cell diabetes program.

So, I have put together a special DVD package that pulls it all together so you can put these approaches to work for you.
The DVD is based on a landmark presentation I put on at my clinic that drew a capacity crowd to discuss these latest advances.

Since then, I’ve heard from many of the people who attended the event — as well as other patients, diabetes specialists, and doctors who had heard about it — asking that I make the information available to more folks.

That’s why I’ve put together this new DVD and workbook — “Can Stem Cells Cure Diabetes?” — that that lays out all of these exciting developments.
So even if you missed it, you can now see every exhilarating minute of the presentation with your own copy of the DVD.

In 20 to 30 years, I am certain that these stem cell breakthroughs I detail in my presentation will become the standard treatments for diabetes. They are already working for my patients today.

But you don’t have to wait, or come to my clinic, to take advantage of them.

When you grab your copy of my new DVD, you have access to them right away.

This one-of-a-kind DVD retails for $149.95. But because I’d like to give these new protocols to as many people as possible, I’m offering it to you for just, $29.95 — plus FREE shipping and handling. That’s less than a month’s supply of diabetes medications, glucose-monitoring kits, and blood tests.
But I have to tell you: I don’t know how long I’ll be able to offer this DVD.

I can’t guarantee that federal dictacrats won’t decide to censor this kind of information, as part of their overall effort to discredit and outlaw stem cell therapies.

But, if you act now, you won’t have to worry about the outrageous Big Pharma-government collusion that is plotting to criminalize the use of this groundbreaking, life-changing technology.

So don’t wait!
Your At-Home Stem Cell Diabetes Workbook
Plus, when you order my DVD, you’ll also get my comprehensive workbook — Your 4-Step Protocol to Prevent, and Even Reverse, Diabetes — which walks you through my clinic program for reversing diabetes in as little as 30 days.

The workbook provides a practical action plan for taking charge of your blood sugar:
  • Activate Your Body’s Stem Cells: Discover how to harness the power of your own healing stem cells to combat diabetes naturally.
  • Prime Your Blood Sugar with Primal Power Meal Plan: Learn how to follow the pillars of my Primal Power Meal Plan and to eat your way to a diabetes-free life.
  • PACE Yourself for Success: See how my groundbreaking PACE program is the best way to boost your stem cells to treat diabetes, and why cardiovascular exercise can actually increase your diabetes risks.
  • Take These Blood Sugar Boosters: Discover the four best all-natural nutrients for combating diabetes symptoms.
Plus, You’ll Also Receive Three FREE Gift E-Reports...
With this DVD offer, I’m also making available three special e-Reports on steps you can take right now, in your life, to harness your body’s own natural stem cells to defeat diabetes and boost your overall health.
Free Gift #1: Get Off The Cardio Treadmill To Beat Diabetes In Just 12-Minutes A Day (A $19.95 value)
The exercise industry has been lying to us for years. They still promote the idea that cardio workout lead to fat loss. But they’ve got it all wrong. Sure, cardio will help you burn fat for a while. You’ll even lose weight in the short term. But long-duration exercise tells your body to make more fat the next time you exercise. 

In this special e-Report, you’ll learn the smarter way to burn fat, rebuild your strength, power up your stem cells, and reverse diabetes without grueling cardio, aerobics or weight training. This breakthrough program, PACE, makes it easy to become naturally strong and resilient, just the way nature intended — without drugs, weight-loss surgery, or punishing workout regimens.
Free Gift #2: Dr. Sears’ Primal Power 7-Day Meal Plan (a $19.95 value)
Great nutrition is a critical way to reenergize your stem cells, fix your blood sugar naturally, and transform your health. In this special e-Report, you will discover the secret to using food as medicine to maintain healthy, normal blood sugar levels.

This meal plan is not a diet! It’s a new way of eating designed to get your body the nutrients you need — the ideal nutrition plan designed to provide everything your body and brain evolved to require for optimal health over centuries. You’d be surprised how easy it is to do!
Free Gift #3: The Stem Cell Diabetes Cure  (a $19.95 value)
In this groundbreaking e-Report, you’ll discover how stem cells are the new frontier in treating diabetes. 

Only recently have scientists begun to understand the true potential of using stem cells that come from your own fat to fix blood sugar problems.

Not only is there zero chance of rejection or an immune system reaction with stem cells — because they come from your own body — fat tissue is a much richer source of stem cells than bone marrow. 
There are currently around 250 clinical trials being conducted into therapies using stem cells to heal, according to the National Institutes of Health. And the results have been overwhelmingly positive. This report details how these proven strategies are helping to transform diabetics’ lives across the globe.
Act Now — Limited-Time Offer
Remember: These proven diabetes-reversing approaches aren’t likely to catch on with mainstream doctors for another 20 to 30 years.

But you take advantage of them now — by acting now, to begin reaping the benefits immediately — so that you'll have a much better chance of being vibrant, healthy and diabetes-free 30 years from now!

The initial run is making 500 copies of my DVD available for purchase today.

It's all my supplier can print for now.

So don't hesitate… Click here NOW to get your copy.

Your only other option is to wait until these techniques make their way into the mainstream.

And you DON'T want to do that... because if you're choosing to live without these secrets, there's no way to know what might happen in the future.

This one-of-a-kind DVD retails for $149. But because I’d like to give these new protocols to as many people as possible, I’m offering it to you for just $29.95 — plus FREE shipping and handling, an $8.95 value. All totaled, that’s less than a month’s supply of diabetes medications, glucose-monitoring kits, and blood tests.

You’ll save over 80% on the DVD! And remember, you will also receive 3 special e-Reports absolutely FREE – Get Off The Cardio Treadmill To Beat Diabetes In Just 12-Minutes A Day, Dr. Sears’ Primal Power 7-Day Meal Plan, and The Stem Cell Diabetes Cure — a value of $59.85! Plus my comprehensive workbook — Your 4-Step Protocol to Prevent, and Even Reverse, Diabetes.

That’s a savings of over $188 with your product savings, 3 free special e-Reports and FREE Shipping!

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
My Personal Guarantee to You
A man is only as good as his word. And when I give you my word, I stand behind it.

It’s why you can be sure I mean it when I say I stand behind my commitment to your good health. 

It’s how I feel about everything I do to protect your health and that of your family. I wish I could reach out, shake your hand, and congratulate you on your decision to improve your health.

But since I can’t, I’ve created what I honestly believe is the next best thing — my personal no-nonsense, no exceptions, no-risk guarantee.

There’s nothing complicated about it.

I simply promise that if you are not 100% satisfied, all you have to do is let us know within 90 days of purchase, and I will send you an immediate, complete, and total refund with no questions asked — including shipping and handling.

My greatest concern is your health, and I want you to get the best results without risk. All you have to do is pick up the phone and call. That’s it!

So remember:
  • Your refund always includes shipping and handling.
  • You’ll get an immediate, complete, and total refund of every penny you paid.
  • There are no exceptions to my personal guarantee.
I work hard to bring you the latest, breakthrough discoveries at a fair price — I would never offer them to you if I didn’t sincerely believe this.

My bottom line is that I want you to be happy.

I want you to be 100% satisfied, all of the time, with every single purchase.

If you’re ever not satisfied, I promise an immediate, complete, and total refund — no questions asked, no exceptions.

You have my word on it.
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“Dr. Sears blows away the conventional medical wisdom…”
— Ronald Klatz, MD, DO, Founder and President, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine

“Dr. Sears has distinguished himself as a leader in the area of Anti-Aging Medicine and recently in cell and telomere biology…”
— Frederic J. Vagnini, MD, FACS, Medical Director of the Heart, Diabetes and Weight Loss Centers of NY

“Dr. Sears masterfully explains how we can flip the switches that allow access to the store of human vitality that resides within each one of us. We understood how to do this when we were young and now Dr. Sears gives us the evidence-based means to tap into our potency, strength, and stamina with intention.”
— Paul L. Hester, MD, MBA

“Dr. Al Sears really gets it. What a refreshing breath of fresh air…”
— Jonny Bowden, author, Living the Low Carb Life: From Atkins to the Zone Choosing the Diet That’s Right for You

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